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美國8度鈣鎂鋅 (100粒)

美國8度鈣鎂鋅 (100粒)
美國8度鈣鎂鋅 (100粒)
美國8度鈣鎂鋅 (100粒)
美國8度鈣鎂鋅 (100粒)
美國8度鈣鎂鋅 (100粒)
美國8度鈣鎂鋅 (100粒)
美國8度鈣鎂鋅 (100粒)
美國8度鈣鎂鋅 (100粒)
美國8度鈣鎂鋅 (100粒)
美國8度鈣鎂鋅 (100粒)
美國8度鈣鎂鋅 (100粒)
  • 庫存: 有存貨



Calcium deficiency can result in bone malformation, causing rickets in children and osteomalacia in adults. Another calcium deficiency ailment is Osteoporosis, in which the bones become porous and fragile because calcium is withdrawn from the bones and other body areas faster than it is deposited in them . Moderate cases of calcium deficiency may lead to cramps, joint pains, heart palpitation, slow pulse rates, tooth decay, insomnia, impaired growth, and excessive irritability of nerves and muscles.


足量的鎂能加強腦細胞濃度功能;舒緩神經緊張、減壓;能溶解過量積聚沉澱的鈣、鱗等物質,避免硬石形成。強化及鞏固牙齒琺瑯質,幫助牙齒生長,防止蛀牙。對於懷孕 婦女,可幫助控制痙攣及抽筋現象。

Adequate amounts of magnesium can help keep the arteries healthy. It helps form the kind of tooth enamel that resists decay. No matter how much calcium is ingested, only a soft enamel will be formed unless magnesium is present. It also work to preserve the health of the nervous system; it has been successfully used in controlling convul​​sions in pregnant women.



Zinc deficiency is also a factor in stress, fatigue, loss of taste, poor appetite and decreased alertness. It is also suitable for people who stress the importance of the healthy cholesterol and blood sugar.
